Online Collaboration Groups

Energy Sharing Forums
Energy Sharing Forums
engage & collaborate

Surplus Electricity       Waste Heat

As the world shifts from a reliance on fossil fuels to the use of more sustainable energy Alternatives, we are experiencing some bumps on the road to our greener future. The use of intermittent alternatives such as Wind and Solar require the development of reliable energy Storage Systems to meet the needs of an on demand power grid.
The opportunity to forge new relationships in the field of Industrial Symbiosis will emerge to bring together those who generate excess energy with those who can utilize this resource.
New opportunities to foster entrepreneurial ventures and innovative technology solutions are upon us and the need to Network & Share is paramount.

Surplus Electricity Forum
The Surplus Electricity Forum was established to meet the growing needs of generators of peak electricity that there is no immediate grid demand to connect or collaborate with potential users of this valuable resource and provides an opportunity to explore Surplus Electricity Sink options.

Surplus Energy Arbitrage
This is a buy low, sell high strategy of speculative purchasing and selling of surplus energy. Electricity that is created during off-peak hours (when grid prices are cheapest) is purchased at a low cost. It is then stored to be sold to the electrical grid for use during peak hours (when grid electricity prices are highest), thus realizing a profit in the resale.

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Surplus Electricity

online collaboration group

The Surplus Electricity Forum provides an opportunity to collaborate and engage in regards to Surplus Electricity. Please feel free to share ideas, ask questions or provide information related to Surplus Electricity. To participate in the forum, simply submit your input to Network & Share.

Surplus Electricity Sink
Operations such as a Recovery 2.0 facility may act as a Surplus Electricity Sink to provide an option that may be used to dump intermittent excess energy flows.

Waste Heat Forum
The Waste Heat Forum hopes to provide an infrastructure for industrial generators of Waste Heat that have realized the opportunity and have the need to explore possibilities to collaborate with potential users of this valuable resource.

To contribute your input
enter your EMAIL address and Submit

Waste Heat

online collaboration group

The Waste Heat Forum provides an opportunity to collaborate and engage in regards to Waste Heat. Please feel free to share ideas, ask questions or provide information related to Waste Heat. To participate in the forum, simply submit your input to Network & Share.

Become a Sponsor

If you have an interest in becoming a sponsor of The Energy Sharing Forum's please check-out membership in the Energy Sharing Network. This is a unique networking opportunity that provides exposure to engage with a highly targeted industry group.
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Cooksmill NetSystems