Changing Energy Management
The history of central power generation and complex long distance power distribution systems are becoming increasingly stressed and inefficient. In many cases central power generation relies on dirty technology which is becoming socially less desirable. The security and reliability of the decaying infrastructure of power generation and distribution systems requires some innovative thinking.
The Phenomena of Change allows the opportunity to rethink our current situation and explore a totaly new approch to the management of energy. If you apply a reverse distribution theory you could radically disrupt the impact of energy management to the environment and across our society.
The adoption of Ubiquitous Clean Sustainable Alternative Energy is the goal of Energy Change. The decentralization of power generation can augment or eventually replace traditional power management systems.
Efficient collection/generation and Storage of energy are the cornerstones of Energy Change.
Energy Collection & Generation
Similar to Photovoltaic
Solar Power,
by utilizing a
Lightwieght Flexible Thin Film Medium that produces a high ratio of surface area to energy output,
electromagnetic energy can be collected & coverted to useable managed energy.
The electromagnetic EM-voltaic system provides efficent, economical collection & conversion of electromagnetic energy and unlike current solar systems the EM-voltaic system works around the clock.
EM-voltaic generators can be attached to any device that requires power and the device can directly consume the power. Excess energy can be stored on a attached ribbon battery and may be accumulated to be uploaded to the grid or transferred from battery to battery.
Energy Storage
Unlike heavy, hazardous storage
that are commonly used today, by utilizing an inert Lightweight Flexible Thin Film Storage Battery the evolution of energy storage can take a quantum leap forward.
Efficient storage of energy achieved with a ribbon battery medium that has the compatibility and flexibility to fit into virtually any size and shape while delivering a superior energy storage capacity to battery weight ratio. Overall voltage storage capacity can easily be multiplied by layering the storage ribbons into lightweight compact modules.
Energy stored on a ribbon battery may be accumulated and uploaded to the grid or transferred from battery to battery.
Energy Change System
Disrupting traditional thinking of powering portable devices and stationary power requirements by
combining an electromagnetic EM-voltaic Energy Collection & Generation system with ribbon battery storage modules has the potential to change the world.
Imagine all of todays battery powered devices converted into mini power generating stations that can produce all of its own energy requirments and may contribute to powering the world instead of drawing from the grid to recharge.
Ubiquitous integration of millions of mini power generating stations that augment existing power management systems may ultimately reverse the current flow of centrally generated power.
Electric Vehicles (EV)
Electric Vehicles
(EV) have been designed to operate on a battery system that relies on an external charging station that limits the range that the vehicle can travel. Limited trip duration and recharge downtime and the availability of recharging stations.
End "range" anxiety for Electric Vehicles (EV) by coverting the vehicle into a self generating power plant,
producing all of its own energy requirements and also generating excess power that can be uploaded to the grid or transferred from battery to battery.
Cell Phones
One of the most frustrating limitations of battery powered devices such as a
cell phone
is the duration of use time before you need to recharge. Battery Life, Battery Weight, Charging Addapters, Recharge Time
Imagine converting your phone into a self charging device,
producing all of its own energy requirements and also generating excess power that can be uploaded to the grid or transferred from battery to battery.
Energy Self Sufficiency
At home or for commercial operations you may wish to augment your energy consumption or if you desire to live off the grid, you can manage your own energy management system.
Become energy self sufficent,
producing all of your own energy requirements and also generating excess power that can be uploaded to the grid or transferred from battery to battery.
Emergency Back-up, never be powerless.