Electromagnetic Energy

Electromagnetic Energy
Online Collaboration Groups

Equilibrium Forces
Field Induction       EMF Forces

Energy Storage       Self Sufficiency
Wireless Energy Transmission
Energy Trading

Sensors & Switches
Germ Detection & Neutralization

If Einstein's theory of E = MC² can crudely be stated as energy equals mass in motion then energy can be observed all around us.

If the law of conservation of energy is interpreted to mean that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another then energy that is generated as a byproduct to an action or reaction should be able to be captured and cycled or transformed. By-product energy such as heat, light and vibration or motion can be collected and converted into electrical energy and stored.

Our Energy Focus
If we have the ability to observe reactions that result from a natural force attempting to achieve Equilibrium, that produces a measurable charge or energy flow, then the challenge is to harness this energy flow in a configuration that results in a meaningful output.

Understanding and tapping into the potential of the electromagnetic spectrum as a source of clean regenerated energy is a critical stepping stone in human evolution.

There may exist more than one stream of energy available to be harvested from the same source, for example incoming solar provides an opportunity to capture both light and heat. There are multiple energy harvesting potentials from combinations of light, temperature, pressure and kinetic motion derived from the industrial materials handling process and the rapidly expanding Energy Storage field.

Assessing all of the available options including osmosis, electrolyses, reverse electrodialysis, Gradient diffusion, ion exchange, anion exchange, and the use of semi-porous membrane may expand some overlooked EMF pathways.

In order to evolve forward we must adopt a sustainable strategy to reduce our dependance on the dirty technologies or processes that generate unmanaged residual waste and undesirable byproducts. We have developed short term practices over centuries that do not ultimately manage our environment. Society in general does not avoid destructive behavior that accumulates underlying liabilities or hazards, but tends to respond to a crisis when a catalyst or event sparks the necessity for innovation. Convenient and economical innovation may be the quickest driver for positive habit or behavior change.

In an age where humans are venturing into space travel, and space habitation, the need is rapidly approaching for a more sustainable energy source. An innovative method for the Collection & Storage of Electromagnetic Energy may be a key factor to achieving Environmental Sustainability

Clean Energy

Clean Energy
The current trend is towards efforts to reduce the dependance on fossil fuels and an attempt to move to carbon free emissions in order to achieve clean sustainable energy.
The complexity in the transition to clean energy presents a new set of challenges, some of which we may not fully comprehend as of yet.

It appears that no one solution will resolve the transformation to clean energy, a revolutionary change may involve many different pathways and technologies. In the interim a "gold rush" seems to have been unleashed as the euphoria of the pioneering entrepreneurial spirit races to conquer the clean energy challenge.

Direct or ambient energy harvesting by the collection of electromagnetic energy (EMF Forces) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, may assist to optimize the overall efficiency in the journey towards clean energy.

Equilibrium Forces

Molecular Bonds       Phase Change
Force Flow

Inputs & Outputs       Reduction & Oxidization
Vacuum Effect       Rapid Energy Release

Charge Forces
In nature when an imbalance occurs a natural occurring phenomena produces an electromagnetic charge or flow of energy as a result, in the efforts to achieve a balance.
These Universal Equilibrium Forces are invoked in a number of circumstances and result in a Force Flow. The challenge is to harness this energy flow in a configuration that results in a meaningful output.

Molecular Bonds
In order to segregate individual elements from mixed material complexes, an energy input is required to break the Molecular bonds that hold the complex materials together.
If you wish to produce complex materials from individual elements, there is an energy release (output) resulting from joining compounds (shared electron bonds).

Force Flows
An electromagnetic current or flow is generated anytime an imbalance is created from a change in temperature, pressure, concentration gradient or Molecular density. The Force Flows from Hot to Cold and from High to Low density or concentration. The intensity of the flow is determined by magnitude of the imbalance.

Phase Change
Matter occurs in 3 states - solid, liquid or gas and Phase changes occur when a material changes state. A solid to a liquid - we refer to that process as melting. When it changes from a liquid into a solid it is called Freezing. When a liquid converts to a gas we name that as boiling. From a gas into a liquid is known as condensing.

Inputs & Outputs

Energy Inputs & Outputs
Common reactions require the transfer of energy in the form of inputs or outputs and may be categorized as Exothermic & Endothermic reactions. Exothermic reactions give off heat and Endothermic require the input of external heat to occur.

To facilitate the Phase Change of melting or boiling, this is Endothermic, and requires the input of energy to occur.
The Phase Change reaction of condensing or freezing is Exothermic and this releases energy.

The direction of energy transfer in these reactions in temperature is from hot to cold and in pressure moves from High to Low. Gradient diffusion also transfers from High concentration to Low concentrations.

Check-out the novel concept of using Exothermic Elements as an energy carrier for Energy Storage.

Reduction & Oxidization - REDOX

Reduction & Oxidization
Reduction and Oxidization are terms that describe the process that break molecular bonds into simpler elements or creates molecular bonds to form complex materials.
The Reduction and Oxidization (redox) reaction occurs as an equal and opposite event where one material is oxidized and another material is reduced to maintain a molecular balance.

The Reduction of an element into a pure or simpler form requires the input of energy in order to break the molecular bonds to isolate or reduce the element.

When elements combine to form complex materials this process is known as an Oxidization reaction and during this reaction energy is given off as a result of molecular bonding. This bond is the sharing of a common electron at the molecular level and results in an orphaned electron charge.

This expelled orphaned charge may be harvested as a useable form of energy. Energy may be collected as electricity through the development of an electrolytic cell (An OX - Red Cat)
Typical Oxidization reactions generate energy in the form of heat and are commonly referred to as an exothermic process.

In order to harness the power contained in the flow of energy some sort of configuration must be created to direct the current into a meaningful output.
By creating a structure or a place for electromagnetic charges to reside you may have an opportunity to control the current flow and convert that energy into some type of work.
The creation of an Electrochemical Cell may provide a versatile tool to perform various types of functions. Storage cells may be use as batteries or capacitors, Galvanic cells are used for metal plating and refining and electrolysis cells may be used to separate or manipulate elements at a molecular level.
The design and layout of electrolytic cells may result in many useful results including the ability to duplicate, increase or amplify the energy output. The cells may be layered or stacked into many combinations or configurations and customized as desired for unique applications or use cases.

Typical electrolytic cells are designed with an anode and cathode and some sort of electrolyte and may contain a membrane or separator.
Electric circuits may be designed in series or parallel to adjust the voltage and amperage desired.

Vacuum Effect
The rapid Expansion or De-Pressurization causes a momentary, temporary void until the space can be filled by by the equilibrium forces from the surroundings.

A typical example of this temporary void that results in a Vacuum Effect is the phase change or Condensing Stage of water vapor into liquid water. The rapid reaction results in a momentary imbalance from a 1600 to 1 volume change and presents an opportunity to harness this Vacuum Effect.

The energy related to a rapid Expansion or De-Pressurization reaction is typically released in the form of some combination of heat, light or sound.

Rapid Energy Release
In the event of the occurrence of a reaction that releases energy, there seems to be a direct relationship between the total amount of energy output and the speed of the release that determines the form of the energy discharge.
The energy output is typically released in the form of some combination of heat, light or sound. It appears that if the speed of the reaction exceeds the momentary ability of the surroundings to absorb or equalize a large quantity of energy, the emissions will accelerate from heat to light and sound (pressure).

The understanding and evolution of methods of energy harvesting from rapid reactions that release multiple forms of energy presents an opportunity to develop a relatively unique field or discipline. This area includes a wide number of possible reactions that may include cavitation bubble implosion, Plasma Arcs, and natural weather phenomena (Thunder & Lightning).

Electromagnetic Energy Forums
Online Collaboration Groups

ENERGYchange.com has established a number of Electromagnetic Energy Online Collaboration Groups to assist energy industry stakeholders to engage & collaborate. To participate in any of the forums Submit your Input to Network & Share.

Electromagnetic Field Induction
Field Induction is the basis of alternating current (AC) electricity. Electricity can be generated from rotary kinetic motion or, the reverse, kinetic motion can be produced by the conversion of electricity.

Generating Electricity from Motion, by spinning electricity generating turbines driven by wind, water and steam and consolidating the output into a central power grid.

Generating Motion from Electricity, by inputting electricity to drive electric motors with an output of motion to power a wide variety of kinetic or mechanical devices such as electric motors, alternators, generators and other induction devices.

Please feel free to participate in the online collaboration group known as the Field Induction Forum

Electromagnetic Forces

Photovoltaics       Piezoelectric Energy
Pyroelectric Energy
Triboelectric Energy       Plasma Arc Energy

Photovoltaics & Photoelectric Energy
The Photoelectric Energy Forum was established as a vehicle to exchange information and share ideas in hopes of advancing the technology and its adoption.

Piezoelectric Energy
The Piezoelectric Energy Forum was established as a vehicle to exchange information and share ideas in hopes of advancing the technology and its adoption.
Some additional Details regarding the potential developments with Piezoelectric Energy.

Pyroelectric Energy
The Pyroelectric Energy Forum was established as a vehicle to exchange information and share ideas in hopes of advancing the technology and its adoption.
Seebeck Coefficient

Triboelectric Energy
The Triboelectric Energy Forum was established as a vehicle to exchange information and share ideas in hopes of advancing the technology and its adoption.

Plasma Arc Energy
Electric Arc Plasma is an energized ionized gas that generates extreme heat and light and is commonly used in devices such as an Electric Arc Furnace, Plasma Torch, and Plasma Arc generators. There are a number of industrial applications that commonly use Electric Arc & Plasma Energy.
Plasma Arc Energy Forum

Energy Storage Technology Forum

Energy Storage
Intermittent Energy Storage requires solutions as to how to operate uninterrupted around the clock in commercial, industrial and domestic applications. One major issue, as we shift beyond traditional battery storage, are the issues and challenges surrounding the portability of stored energy. One possible option is the adoption of a shift towards a Hydrogen economy. There also exists several emerging Alternative Storage Methods.

Grid Storage
Many are focused on the issues surrounding Grid storage such as understanding the time sensitive nature of second to second instantaneous load fluctuations, from the minute to hour peak balancing, to extending to overnight coverage and outages or interruptions ranging from several hours to a day or two.
The longer term and seasonal needs are an additional unique set of issues.

Alternative Storage Methods

Thermal Energy Storage
      Gravity Energy Storage
      Compressed Air Capture & Storage
      Exothermic Element Storage

Battery Storage
Traditional Battery storage systems are typically plagued by battery size & weight, toxicity of battery materials and limited energy storage capacity, recharge time and diminishing cycle life time.

Common batteries are made from materials such as Lead/Acid, Lithium, Nickel, Zinc, Manganese, and less common materials such as Sodium,
Graphene. They may also be constructed from additional combinations of materials.

Innovative implementation of battery storage configurations such as Flow batteries, also called redox (reduction-oxidation) batteries, are promising technologies for energy storage. With their large storage capacity they can be used for load balancing on grids and for storing energy from intermittent sources such as wind and photovoltaics.

Battery designs may range widely in compatibility and flexibility in regards to storage capacity, to battery weight ratio, and depending on the portable vs. stationary storage requirements.

Electromagnetic Energy

Wireless Energy Transmission
Wireless transmission of energy. The transceiver module contains elements that may generate and radiate electromagnetic energy and transmits power across space to a receiver device, a device that is both a transmitter device, receiver device, focused or targeted amplified energy transfer, amplification by stimulated emission, laser or maser

Hard wired transmission of energy with a direct connection between a targeted transmitter device, receiver device

Electromagnetic Sensors
The proliferation of Digital Sensors with ubiquitous connectivity will solidify the evolution of the Internet of things. Sound or motion sensitive switches for lights, water faucets, toilet flushing, door opening are becoming more common and will expand to include a multitude of additional common devices.

Remote sensors or Nanosensors deployed on satellites monitor climate and environmental conditions across the earth. Installing and connecting vehicle sensors will further facilitate autonomous transportation.

Continuous or frequent monitoring of personal medical information commonly referred to as vital signs, may be obtained by touch less scanning including the
detection of germs with results being displayed immediately.

Electromagnetic Energy

Germ Detection & Neutralization

Imagine a world free from germophobic fear were Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Protozoa and Prions can be detected by Testing, Testing, Testing

By installing Electromagnetic Sensors at the entrance to public buildings, just like walking through a metal detector at airport security, this method of non-intrusive germ identification would allow folks to carry-on normal social activities.

Digital entrance scanners would allow anyone, at anytime, to be instantly tested with immediate results for detection of the presence of specific germs

Germ Neutralization
We observe the reduction in the dwell time of germs with exposure to direct sunlight and we use UV ultraviolet light in hospital germ sterilization. By developing selective Electromagnetic irradiation germs may be reduced or eliminated in a matter of seconds.

Widespread deployment of germ detection systems may mitigate or prevent the future epidemic spread of germs and permit normal daily activity in work, play and social interaction.

Just by going to work or attending school, shopping or attending meetings, church, attending entertainment or sporting events, entering public transit systems or entering high risk areas like medical facilities or multi-unit residences, we may restrict the transmission of common germs. We may be able to drastically reduce the spread of the common cold, annual influenza, potential pandemics and improve the health and welfare of folks worldwide.

By unleashing human ingenuity we can isolate germs and Free the People.

Electromagnetic Energy

Energy Self Sufficiency
For individual households up to and including geographic or nation independence.

At home or for commercial operations you may wish to augment your energy consumption or if you desire to live off the grid, you can manage your own energy management system.
HVAC and lighting systems.
Become energy self sufficient, producing all of your own energy requirements and also generating excess power that can be uploaded to the grid or transferred from battery to battery.
Emergency Back-up, never be powerless.

Energy Trading
By providing the opportunity for millions of people with the ability to generate, store, conveniently transport and with an automated wireless digital tollbooth model, energy becomes an instantly transferable commodity.

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