Climate Change

Ocean Pollution

Ocean Pollution
Plastics are the most common form of marine debris. They can come from a variety of land and ocean-based sources; enter the water in many ways; and impact the ocean and Great Lakes. Once in the water, plastic debris never fully biodegrades.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest accumulation of ocean plastic in the world and is located between Hawaii and California.

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Alliance to End Plastic Waste

A not-for-profit organization with the mission to Eliminate Plastic Waste in the Environment.
Working across the plastics value chain on infrastructure, education and engagement, innovation, and clean up efforts to keep plastic waste in the right place.

Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Ocean Disposal
The practice of Ocean Disposal, where raw garbage is dumped into the open seas, may be one of the largest sources of ocean pollution. The heavy trash sinks to the ocean floor and a portion of the waste is suspended or dissolves into the waters. Some of the lighter debris, like plastics, float to the surface and follow the ocean currents. This portion of ocean pollution accumulates and becomes visible. Please share your comments on Ocean Disposal with the climate change discussion group.

Ocean Clean-Up
Ocean Clean-Up efforts are beginning on a sporadic small scale basis in various parts of the world. To seriously address the problem of ocean pollution a much larger effort will be required. Please feel free to share your ideas and opinions to the Ocean Clean-Up discussion group.
As technology develops, ocean clean-up is a worthy challenge to undertake, maybe for atonimus drones. Non stop efforts to skim the ocean surface to remove the plastic debris.

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